Why do we ask you to share our posts?!

{Lindsey here, answering a question a friend asked that you all might be thinking!}

I had a friend ask me today, "I see that you are asking people to share your posts on facebook... what does that do to help you, especially if my profile is private?"

I'm so glad she asked because I didn't know it was something I should explain! If you, like this friend, are thinking that we are super weird to ask you to share our posts, please keep reading.

There are a few ways that sharing our posts can help us as an adoptive family:

1. Our network of support grows:
     - We are so thankful for every prayer, thought and kind word shared with us or shared on our behalf during this process. This is such an encouragement to our hearts as we wait!

2. It brings us to people's minds:
    - People can be mindful of the fact we are adopting when they see available children circulating on Facebook. This one has just recently affected us; I had about five people send me the profile for a little boy in MI - he wasn't a fit for our family for multiple reasons but it was SO encouraging that our family and our adoption process was on so many different people's minds as they read this sweet boy's story.

3. You never know who knows who!
     - I think this one is HUGE! I have read many stories about how "a friend of a friend has a cousin with a roommate who is pregnant and looking into adoption and we matched with her." While that is very specific and yes, I made up that particular situation, this is something that your sharing helps us with. We might have no particular connection to the woman who finds herself looking for an adoption plan but if your connection somehow links back to us, we are able to "self-match" with her and bring the situation to our adoption agency to handle the legalities. We know that God works in everything and this is a possibility for our story; we have great hope because He is faithful! We just want people to know we are here, open and ready to love on another little one.

I hope this makes it a little more clear! If you still think we are super weird... well there might be nothing we can do about that (haha!) but certainly feel free to ask questions, I'm sure glad my sweet friend was honest with me this morning! <3

Hebrews 10:23 - "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful!"
