
Showing posts from August, 2019

Our Joy! and a little update

We are filled with joy! Joy that can only come from Christ. He has filled our hearts with encouragement and great peace! Everyone we talk with about this adoption process so far offers support, prayer and excitement for our family! We are clinging to Christ during this process... there are so many unknowns and yet, we know that God has a plan for us.   Somewhere, either physically or just in God’s great plan, there is a child that will one day call us mom and dad and that is breathtaking. A child that will gain two brothers in our sons and, we pray, lifelong friends and teammates. A child we hope and pray will feel God’s great grace on his or her heart and life forever. While we will feel joy while gaining a member to our family, we must acknowledge that someone else will be enduring loss simultaneously. Our hearts will never quite understand that loss but we will pray our child feels wanted, loved, seen and ultimately full of joy while his/her mother feels complete peace